Discover the beauty of Kiawah Island and experience top-tier exterior cleaning services with Palmetto Exterior Washing. Our dedicated pressure washing company is committed to enhancing the aesthetics and longevity of your property through professional and comprehensive cleaning solutions.
Whether you require residential or commercial pressure washing, we’re your go-to partner for high-quality power washing in Kiawah Island, SC.
Whether your property could benefit from being soft or pressure washed, our talented team of pressure washers is happy to provide great service at a great price, with the following services available.
Our cutting-edge pressure-washing techniques do an amazing job of eradicating tough dirt, grime, mold, and mildew from diverse surfaces, including driveways, walkways, decks, fences, and more. We adjust the pressure levels to ensure a thorough clean without causing any damage.
For more delicate surfaces, such as roofs and siding, rather than a standard pressure wash, we employ a low pressure technique with eco-friendly detergents to safely and effectively remove contaminants, rejuvenating your surfaces in coastal South Carolina.
Restore the exterior of your home with our comprehensive house washing service. Our team does an excellent job eliminating dirt, algae, and other pollutants to reveal the true beauty of your residence.
Preserve the integrity of your roof while improving its appearance through our specialized roof cleaning service. We carefully remove algae, moss, and stains, contributing to the longevity of your roofing materials.
Your outdoor living areas deserve special care. Our experts will clean and restore your decks and fences, making them safe and inviting for your family and guests.
We recognize the importance of a professional appearance and having your business cleaned regularly. Our commercial cleaning services cater to storefronts, offices, restaurants, and more, helping you make a positive impact on your customers and clients.
No matter what your pressure washing needs, our professional team does a fantastic job of stripping away years of dirt, grime, and mold to promote aesthetically pleasing exterior surfaces while ensuring great customer service at a fair price in Kiawah, Johns Island, Mount Pleasant, and beyond. Contact us today to get started.